Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Pink & Yellow Week Ends...

Thank you to everyone who has so kindly contributed to Pink & Yellow Week this week. I am so surprised at the wonderful response I've had. You have all been so very encouraging and your continued support means so much. To all my new readers thank you for looking, I hope to see more of you and to all my old readers again I thank you for continuing to read. Also, I would like to extend another big thank you to Holly at Decor8 for listing me as Blog of the Week this week and also to all of the other wonderful blogs who posted about Pink & Yellow Week at ABT this week.
Thanks again everyone and if you're wondering the Colour Week series will continue so stay tuned!!
Oh and I must say that I LOVE the pink and yellow thank you notecard above from Blue Ribbon Design which I found via Design Sponge Letterpress Guide.
My Pink & Yellow Favourites

These 2 images above are my favourite images which emerged out of Pink & Yellow Week this week. It's funny that they are both via Jo at Desire to Inspire. I think she knows me all to well!! The bottom image is from De Gournay. I just love this particular De Gournay wallpaper, it's so bright and fresh and beautiful!!
Anastasia's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Pink & Yellow in Nature

Pink & Yellow Hawaiian Quilting

Pink & Yellow Notecards

Look at these beautiful hand made single edition screen printed notecards from Port2Port Press. I loved them so much I bought them but go and have a look at all of the other goodies at Por2Port Press as her beautiful stationery is to die for and the best thing is that she never repeats a design.
Pink's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Pink Mohair has sent me these gorgeous pink and yellow blythe dolls as her contribution to Pink & Yellow Week!! Pink has been a great friend from the early days of my blogging career and has the fantastic blogs Pink Mohair and Casapinka. Thanks for all your support and friendship Pink!!
Audrey's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Audrey Coggins from the fantastic blog Bijou Kaleidoscope sent through some images of the much talked about Semiramis Hotel in Greece which was designed by Karim Rashid. Look carefully at the picture above and you will see some yellow chairs on the exterior terrace.
Gypsy's Contribution

The gorgeous Chamara from Gypsy Purple sent me these images from Designers Guild as her contribution to Pink & Yellow Week. I love the collection of images at the top and the yellow door with the pink framework! Thanks Chamara for your pics!!
Betty Bowen's Pink & Yellow Paintings

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Happy Pink & Yellow Weekend

Pink & Yellow from Stylecourt

Erin's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Lots of Pink & Yellow Today....
Pink & Yellow at Papilio
Pink & Yellow Invitations

Peggy's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Pink & Yellow at So Sylvie

Pretty Pink & Yellow

Kym's Pink & Yellow Contribution

Pink & Yellow Rug

Pink & yellow rug above at Suzy Hoodless. I love it's freeform geometric design and the colours look beautiful together.
Pink & Yellow Couture Cushions

These were some of the pink & yellow couture cushions we had at Black & Spiro recently. They were so gorgeous and they went very quickly!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
And There's More...
Emily's Pink & Yellow Party